Thursday, October 02, 2008

"It's . . the bar exam!"

is the LA Times article on the passing of law professor and bar review lecturer extraordinaire, Charles Whitehead.

The article says in part:

"Evidence of the professor's popularity can be found in a Facebook group called 'Charlie Whitebread Rocks My World.' It has more than 1,600 members, some of whom discovered him through lectures he often gave for a popular bar-exam preparation course."

Another voice heard from

"The Virginia Supreme Court’s recent declaration that the state's anti-spam law is unconstitutional was flat-out wrong."

Ken Magill, in this commentary - which is somewhat at odds with the net neutrality principles usually espoused here.

Two more mostly negative takes on the opinion in the spam case can be found here and here.

Wednesday, October 01, 2008

Judge Goodwin denies class certification in DuPont case

Yesterday, in Rhodes v. DuPont, Judge Goodwin of the S.D.W.Va. denied class certification to a claim about an alleged contamination of the public water supply.

The Court observed: "The fact that a public health risk may exist is more than enough to raise concern in the community and call government agencies to action, but it does not show the common individual injuries needed to certify a class action."

Another W.D. Va. opinion on causation

In Boysaw v. Purdue Pharma, Chief Judge Jones granted summary judgment on claim against the manufacturer of OxyContin, because the plaintiff could not prove causation. The opinion cites the earlier ruling in McCauley v. Purdue Pharma L.P., 331 F. Supp. 2d 449 (W.D. Va. 2004).

They said it

"To do a decent job, the president of the United States needs to be vastly more educated and knowledgeable than the average American."

Paul Campos, here in the Rocky Mountain News.

"Our leaders are making up their responses from day to day because old ideas of how the economy works have failed them."

Robert Samuelson, on Real Clear Markets.

So, perhaps being "vastly more educated and knowledgeable" - isn't everything?

Tuesday, September 30, 2008


The Bristol paper has this account of the post-trial rulings taking away the verdict in favor of Buchanan County in the Big Coon Dog case, with various philosophical quotes from me.

Not too long ago, Chief Judge Jones took away a verdict on my motion, in another case. Such is the ebb and flow of this profession.