Friday, February 06, 2004

Primary fever strikes Southwest Virginia, Northeast Tennessee

The Richmond paper reports here ("Southwest eager for primary," 2/6/2004) and the AP reports here ("Clark, Edwards campaign in southwest Virginia," 2/6/2004) on the excitement in Southwest Virginia about the Virginia presidential primary. The Roanoke paper reports here ("Democrats fear storm of confusion at primary," 2/6/2004) that it will be possible to vote for the candidate of your choice and attend a monster truck show on the same day in Roanoke. This article and this article say the Kerry, Edwards, and Clark campaigns were on the loose today in Eastern Tennessee.

Supposedly, Wesley Clark is having a rally right now down the street from here on the Tennessee side at the Stateline Grille.

With primaries on both side of the line, Bristol is in fact the center of the political universe this week, at least until Tuesday.

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