Wednesday, October 12, 2005

What are the legal credentials of the Senators on the Judiciary Committee?

As the Senate prepares to pass judgment on the nomination of Harriet Miers, it was interesting to read this summary of the legal credentials of the members of the Senate Judiciary Committee, which says in part:

"Senator Hatch: A lawyer who received his degree from the Pittsburgh Law School. He then practiced law for 14 years . . .

-Senator Chuck Grassley: Not a lawyer. A farmer and Senator

-Senator Lindsay Graham: Law degree from University of South Carolina. Served a few years as a lawyer in the Air Force. . .

-Senator Kyl: A lawyer who graduated from the University of Arizona (he did serve on Law Review and was one of the names touted for SCOTUS)

-Senator DeWine: A lawyer who graduated from Ohio Northern University Law School

-Senator Sessions: A lawyer who graduated from the University of Alabama. Had a career as small-town lawyer before becoming US Assistant US Attorney for the Southern District of Alabama; then US Attorney for the district and Alabama’s Attorney General for two years.

-Senator Cornyn: Lawyer, graduated from St. Mary’s School of Law in San Antonio (later earned a masters of Law from University of Virginia Law School). Served as District Court Judge and Texas Supreme Court

-Senator Brownback: Law degree from University of Kansas (the picture on his website shows him riding a bull)

-Senator Tom Coburn: Not a lawyer . . .

-Senator Leahy: JD from Georgetown University . . .

-Senator Kennedy: . . .

-Senator Biden: Graduated from Syracuse University College of Law. . . .

-Senator Kohl: Not a lawyer . . .

-Senator Feingold: Lawyer who graduated from Harvard Law School. Practiced law for a few years. . .

-Senator Schumer: Graduated from Harvard Law School. Practiced for only a few years.

-Senator Durbin: Lawyer who graduated from Georgetown; he did practice for a number of years."

Regarding Senator DeWine, he went to the same law school as Clintwood's own Brian Patton.

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