Friday, December 12, 2003

Proof positive that nobody at the Virginia Supreme Court reads this blog

This week in WOW 8.50, Woody says:

"That state Supreme Court I told you about last week still has documents on the Web that are filled with names and file locations and all sorts of detailed information about the Court's data processing operations. (Those of you who wrote on behalf of other Supreme Courts - nope, you folks don't work for the one I was talking about.)

This week, I was stunned to discover even more detailed information posted in docs related to the Department of Homeland Security. (The Dept of Homeland Security itself,, doesn't appear to have any Word docs on its site. Bravo!) More about that in a moment.

The point of all of this: don't post Word documents on the Web. Don't do it. Even with the best intentions, using the latest tools, you or one of your co-workers will eventually slip up and stick something out there that you don't want to be public knowledge. Any kid with a copy of Word can see an eyeful."

I'm still guessing he'stalking about the Virginia Supreme Court. If I could figure out how to send an e-mail to someone who has anything to do with the Virginia Judiciary website, I would issue them a challenge to fix this problem by January. Probably a solution is already in the works without agitation from me -- the Court of Appeals switched over to PDF in September.

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