Saturday, February 05, 2005

Third judgeship bill passes Senate, gets past House Appropriations by vote of 14-9

On Friday, the Senate approved a third judgeship for the 28th Circuit, as shown here.

Also, it says here the vote in the House Appropriations committee on the new judgeship was 14-9 in favor. The ayes were Dels. Callahan (R), Putney (I), Dillard (R), Morgan (R), Tata (R), May (R), Sherwood (R), Cox (R), Councill (D), Phillips (D), Spruill (D), Stump (D), Joannou (D), and Abbitt (I). The nays included Dels. Hamilton (R), Ingram (R), Wardrup (R), Dudley (R), Reid (R), Jones, S.C. (R), Hogan (R), Scott, J.M. (D), and Miles (D).

I wonder what all that was about.

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