Sunday, September 02, 2007

On Virginia as the birthplace of U.S. corporate law

William & Mary Law Professor Oman has this post, titled Virginia and the Birth of Corporate Law.

He says in part:

"The third charter was provoked by the desire of the company to extend its jurisdiction to take in most of the western Atlantic. In particular, they wanted control of Bermuda, where a Virginia-bound ship had wrecked, living about 120 colonists to live on the island for nearly a year while they built a ship to take them to Virginia. (The incident served as the inspiration for Shakespeare's play The Tempest.) The new charter, however, did several things beyond giving the company control over 'The Devil's Isles.'

. . . [M]ost interestingly in my view, it dispensed with the oath of supremacy for investors. This meant that Catholics would be allowed to buy shares in good conscience. The last move is interesting because while the colony remained militantly Protestant and anti-Catholic (or at least anti-Spanish), the innovation does mark the beginning of a shift toward a view of commerce as a realm in which religious differences need not be an impediment to peaceful cooperation."

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