Thursday, June 20, 2013

Why I like RealClearPolitics

The No. 1 reason why I look at the RealClearPolitics web page almost every day is the juxtaposition of links to opposing or somewhat opposing views, such as these:

Item 1: Obama Readying Emissions Limits on Power Plants. This story describes how the Obama Administration is working as quickly as it can on the complicated task of promulgating regulations that will curb carbon dioxide emissions from existing power plants.

Item 2: Climate Expert von Storch: Why Is Global Warming Stagnating? This worthwhile interview includes the frank acknowledgement by one of the leading climate change experts that if global warming does not pick up again in the next five years, after fifteen years of little change despite increasing carbon emissions, the scientists will have to acknowledge, without abandoning their general thesis that man-made emissions affect the climate, that their models were wrong and recognize that either they have overestimated the connection between man-made emissions and global warming or underestimated the effects of other natural phenomena that affect the weather.

Over at RealClearEnergy, there was Item 3: King Coal Leaves America for Europe, which begins with reference to the fact that U.S. coal exports have reached record levels, and concludes that "[g]reen energy policy has been a catastrophic failure in Europe, hampering the continent’s global competitiveness without making the continent any greener."

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