Wednesday, January 19, 2005

Republicans pick Judge Haley from Fredericksburg over Judge Ney from Fairfax for Court of Appeals

The Washington Post reports here ("Republicans Reject Two N.Va. Judges," 1/19/05), somewhat disingenuously, that the Republicans are rejecting two Northern Virginia judges.

The House Republicans are rejecting the woman appointed by Governor Warner for the Circuit Court in Alexandria. The Richmond paper says here ("GOP deadlocks on judge selection," 1/19/05) that the Republicans deadlocked again on the Alexandria and Hampton judgeships that confounded them last year, and so Governor Warner will likely reappoint the same two judges for another one year term

The other job is for the Court of Appeals, which is going to Judge Haley from Fredericksburg, who was a candidate for the slot that went to Judge McClanahan last year, instead of Judge Ney from Fairfax, the local favorite of some Northern Virginia legislators.

The Post article says:

"Republican and Democratic lawmakers from Northern Virginia said that Haley's selection violated an informal agreement among Republicans to allow each of the state's 11 congressional districts an opportunity to have a judge on the Court of Appeals."

I never heard of such an agreement, but it figures there is one. Judge Ney was a high-powered lawyer in his private practice, with many appearances before the Virginia Supreme Court. I think Judge Haley has been on the bench longer, but I don't know that for a fact.

The Fredericksburg paper has this article on Judge Haley's selection. This article notes: "Haley has been a candidate for the Court of Appeals before. Last year, he was one of six judges vying for appointment when a seat became vacant, but legislators chose Elizabeth McClanahan --in part, they said then, because Chichester and Howell hadn't put Haley's name forward soon enough."

Hugh Lessig of the Daily Press has this article on the likely reappointment of Judge Andrews from Hampton.

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